Monday, September 16, 2013

Boost Your Mood with Small Changes

boost your mood

Sometimes as the seasons change, so do our moods. Personally, I would have to say that this happens to me quite often. I have noticed that during the warmer months, my mood seems to be at its peak; to such an extent, there really is not too much you could do that would bring my mood down.

Is that something you can relate to?

If this sounds all too familiar for you, then hopefully the tips shared in this post will help you as much as they have helped me. I have found out that making small changes to my everyday habits, has made a huge difference in my ability to maintain a positive mindset.  Not to say, that I don't have "bad" days, because I do!

However, with that being said, there are more happier days than not.

Here are four daily habits that have certainly helped me gain control of my moods:

Take a time out and go for a power walk

Ever since I started my business, I have learned to take a time out by simply "walking away" from a situation that I know is going to ruin my day. To give you an idea, let me give you an example.

Last week, I decided that I wanted to add a new page to this blog {the Blog Sale page to be exact}. My idea was to upload a photo gallery of products that would be of interest to you and that were available for purchase. Well, unfortunately for me, I am "tech impaired" so as you can imagine the morning hours were spent researching tutorials on how to get a photo gallery uploaded onto a page. Do you know that after several hours, what seemed to be an easy task quickly turned into an aggravating situation? Yep. I was so livid, I screamed "F&^K You!" to my laptop and walked straight out of the office; not returning until much later during the week.

Now, your situation will be completely different, but I'm sure you get the point - Just walk away...

Don't be lazy. Eat more fresh, whole foods

By this, I am referring to limiting the type of snacks and food that we consume during the day. Over time, I never really put too much thought into it, but after eating snacks that are high in sugar or that are processed foods, my mood drastically goes downhill. Yes, at first you feel a "high" but once that wears off - BEWARE!!  So, the easiest way to change that is going to the market and stocking up on fresh fruit and veggies.

Go easy on the cafe. Try a little green tea instead

I know you are probably rolling your eyes at this suggestion {Girl, I did the same thing!} but trust me on this one. Green Tea is known to have "theanine" in it - this has been found to help release the "feel good" brain chemical, serotonin.

I'm not suggesting that you stop drinking coffee all together. Heavens NO!  Just the opposite: Limit the amount of caffeine you consume during the day, by drinking green tea instead.

Sit down and remember the good ol' times

In my opinion, this last habit has been the most life changing. All you have to do is this:

Every night (I mean E.V.E.R.Y. night), sit in a quiet place with a pen and notebook in hand. Write down at least, three good things that happened during your day. If by chance, you cannot recall any happy moments, then write down three things that you are grateful for.

Not only will this habit help remind you of all the bright spots in your life, it will also come in handy on those days when you need to remind yourself of how truly blessed you are.

At first, some of these habits will appear as if they are not helping, but keep in mind that practice is key. The more you try to weave these small everyday choices into your daily routine, the quicker you will be able to say "Ah, Buh-Bye" to those not-so-happy moments.

Now it's YOUR turn:  How do You try to turn around your mood? Share your tips with us below!

photo credit: we heart it

Friday, September 6, 2013

Giving Back Made Simple Thanks to TOMS #OneforOne Movement

I am bringing this post to you through my partnership with TOMS, the TOMS U.S. Giving program and sharing the news about their #OneForOne movement.

You know it's kind of ironic how as soon as a new school year is about to commence, most of us (myself included) tend to get so wrapped up in the activity of going "back to school" shopping, that we tend to forget that there are so many children, right here in the US, that do not have the same luxury that we do.

When you really take a minute to think about it, this is a very unfortunate reality. But, with every unfortunate reality, there is always a silver lining.

In this case, the silver lining is in the form of TOMS.

Blake and a TOMS team return to Argentina in the Summer of 2010 to celebrate the 1 millionth pair of new shoes given.

A few weeks ago, Blake Mycoskie, the founder of TOMS, made an announcement stating that "the company has made a major commitment to children in the United States and through its Giving Partners will give at least one million pairs of new shoes to children in need by the end of 2014.."

That's right.

One of the most coveted shoe brands here in the states has made a promise to give back by helping those who are in need in our very own backyard. Not over seas - here in the US.

How are they going to make this possible?  Easy. TOMS will continue to match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need of shoes - this is what the One for One® movement is all about.

By now, you may wondering where the donated shoes are going and what these shoes may look like.

1,000,000+ Shoes will be given to 35+ states by the end of 2014

Not every child has the same goal, which is why there are three different types of shoes that will be given through the One for One movement. (I would like to make note that these specific shoes are NOT for sale).

Retail companies like TOMS are a great source of inspiration. A brand that strives in making the act of giving back such a high priority, is certainly a brand that I would happily purchase from more than once.

Knowing that I am helping a child in need by buying a pair of TOMS shoes for my own child (as well as a few pairs for me, of course) really does make a difference in the way my family can help others that do not have the same resources that we do. Wouldn't you agree?

Now it's YOUR turn: To find out even more ways, you can participate in the TOMS #OneforOne movement, please visit thier GETTING INVOLVED tab on their main website.