Monday, January 4, 2016

How To Create a Successful Personal Fitness Program

How to Create a Successful Personal Fitness Program - The Daily Fashion and Beauty News

Hello, 2016! 

Like many of you, today is my first official day back at the LFD offices. And I have to say: I'm super excited and motivated to get this new year started on a positive note. 

In order to do that, I decided to make it a priority to work on my overall health this year by creating (and maintaining) a personal fitness program.

If one of your new years goals is to workout on a regular basis, then please continue reading below some tips and tricks that will help you create a successful personal fitness program.  


Stop making excuses for not working out. Schedule a block of time to workout tomorrow, even if it's only for 15 minutes. Tomorrow, schedule another block of time for the next day. Do this daily and eventually you won't need to make that appointment with yourself and your workout time will increase. Soon, exercise will just be part of a normal day.

TIP: To give you an idea, here's what I do: When driving back to the house in the mornings after taking my daughter to her bus stop,I have no other choice but to drive by the gym. So, instead of speeding by the building once I turn the corner onto the street where it's located, I convince myself that all I need to do is go inside and workout for a few minutes. Once I walk through the front doors, I connect my cell phone to their wifi, load a YouTube video that's about 15-20 min long and begin my workout. By the time the video ends, I've worked out for the day without even knowing it. 


A great way to stay fit is to pick a fitness related activity that you absolutely love. This could be something like bike riding, roller blading, or even hiking. This way you will be exercising fairly strenuously and because it is something you really enjoy you won't even notice it.

TIP: As someone who likes to go for walks, I tend to gravitate to the nearest treadmill. If there is none available, then I'll choose the elliptical. And, when I'm feeling ballsy, I'll do some light weight lifting. 


One way to get fit is to replace all your normal sedentary habits with active habits. For example if you watch TV for about three hours a day this can be replaced with a one hour walk and two hours of TV. By doing this you get some exercise into your regimen and don't sacrifice something you enjoy.


If you're having a difficult time fitting exercise into your day, try doing it early in the morning. If you wake up and tackle your exercise plan first thing, you won't have to worry about it for the rest of the day. You can also often complete a thirty minute work out before the rest of your family is awake, making it less of an interference in your every day chores and duties.

TIP: Like I mentioned before, I go to the gym first thing in the morning, which is typically around 6:30 AM. If the morning time does not work for you, try going in the mid-afternoon or even at night. 


While fitness should push our bodies, it is important though that you not push yourself too hard. By trying to exceed your body's capabilities, you are not doing yourself any favors; in fact, you may be causing yourself injury. My suggestion is to take is slow. When you schedule your fitness routine, start off with easy to do stretches or jump rope. The point is: Don't over do it! 

With the previous tips floating through your thoughts, you ought to be ready to create your own personal fitness routine! It does take some time and effort, but if you keep at it, it is indeed achievable. So, go out there, enjoy yourself, and achieve all of your fitness goals!

Now it's your turn: Do you have any additional tips to creating a successful personal fitness program?