Monday, September 16, 2013
Boost Your Mood with Small Changes
Sometimes as the seasons change, so do our moods. Personally, I would have to say that this happens to me quite often. I have noticed that during the warmer months, my mood seems to be at its peak; to such an extent, there really is not too much you could do that would bring my mood down.
Is that something you can relate to?
If this sounds all too familiar for you, then hopefully the tips shared in this post will help you as much as they have helped me. I have found out that making small changes to my everyday habits, has made a huge difference in my ability to maintain a positive mindset. Not to say, that I don't have "bad" days, because I do!
However, with that being said, there are more happier days than not.
Here are four daily habits that have certainly helped me gain control of my moods:
Take a time out and go for a power walk
Ever since I started my business, I have learned to take a time out by simply "walking away" from a situation that I know is going to ruin my day. To give you an idea, let me give you an example.
Last week, I decided that I wanted to add a new page to this blog {the Blog Sale page to be exact}. My idea was to upload a photo gallery of products that would be of interest to you and that were available for purchase. Well, unfortunately for me, I am "tech impaired" so as you can imagine the morning hours were spent researching tutorials on how to get a photo gallery uploaded onto a page. Do you know that after several hours, what seemed to be an easy task quickly turned into an aggravating situation? Yep. I was so livid, I screamed "F&^K You!" to my laptop and walked straight out of the office; not returning until much later during the week.
Now, your situation will be completely different, but I'm sure you get the point - Just walk away...
Don't be lazy. Eat more fresh, whole foods
By this, I am referring to limiting the type of snacks and food that we consume during the day. Over time, I never really put too much thought into it, but after eating snacks that are high in sugar or that are processed foods, my mood drastically goes downhill. Yes, at first you feel a "high" but once that wears off - BEWARE!! So, the easiest way to change that is going to the market and stocking up on fresh fruit and veggies.
Go easy on the cafe. Try a little green tea instead
I know you are probably rolling your eyes at this suggestion {Girl, I did the same thing!} but trust me on this one. Green Tea is known to have "theanine" in it - this has been found to help release the "feel good" brain chemical, serotonin.
I'm not suggesting that you stop drinking coffee all together. Heavens NO! Just the opposite: Limit the amount of caffeine you consume during the day, by drinking green tea instead.
Sit down and remember the good ol' times
In my opinion, this last habit has been the most life changing. All you have to do is this:
Every night (I mean E.V.E.R.Y. night), sit in a quiet place with a pen and notebook in hand. Write down at least, three good things that happened during your day. If by chance, you cannot recall any happy moments, then write down three things that you are grateful for.
Not only will this habit help remind you of all the bright spots in your life, it will also come in handy on those days when you need to remind yourself of how truly blessed you are.
At first, some of these habits will appear as if they are not helping, but keep in mind that practice is key. The more you try to weave these small everyday choices into your daily routine, the quicker you will be able to say "Ah, Buh-Bye" to those not-so-happy moments.
Now it's YOUR turn: How do You try to turn around your mood? Share your tips with us below!
photo credit: we heart it
Friday, September 6, 2013
Giving Back Made Simple Thanks to TOMS #OneforOne Movement
I am bringing this post to you through my partnership with TOMS, the TOMS U.S. Giving program and sharing the news about their #OneForOne movement.
You know it's kind of ironic how as soon as a new school year is about to commence, most of us (myself included) tend to get so wrapped up in the activity of going "back to school" shopping, that we tend to forget that there are so many children, right here in the US, that do not have the same luxury that we do.
When you really take a minute to think about it, this is a very unfortunate reality. But, with every unfortunate reality, there is always a silver lining.
In this case, the silver lining is in the form of TOMS.
A few weeks ago, Blake Mycoskie, the founder of TOMS, made an announcement stating that "the company has made a major commitment to children in the United States and through its Giving Partners will give at least one million pairs of new shoes to children in need by the end of 2014.."
That's right.
One of the most coveted shoe brands here in the states has made a promise to give back by helping those who are in need in our very own backyard. Not over seas - here in the US.
How are they going to make this possible? Easy. TOMS will continue to match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need of shoes - this is what the One for One® movement is all about.
By now, you may wondering where the donated shoes are going and what these shoes may look like.
1,000,000+ Shoes will be given to 35+ states by the end of 2014
Not every child has the same goal, which is why there are three different types of shoes that will be given through the One for One movement. (I would like to make note that these specific shoes are NOT for sale).
Retail companies like TOMS are a great source of inspiration. A brand that strives in making the act of giving back such a high priority, is certainly a brand that I would happily purchase from more than once.
Knowing that I am helping a child in need by buying a pair of TOMS shoes for my own child (as well as a few pairs for me, of course) really does make a difference in the way my family can help others that do not have the same resources that we do. Wouldn't you agree?
Now it's YOUR turn: To find out even more ways, you can participate in the TOMS #OneforOne movement, please visit thier GETTING INVOLVED tab on their main website.
You know it's kind of ironic how as soon as a new school year is about to commence, most of us (myself included) tend to get so wrapped up in the activity of going "back to school" shopping, that we tend to forget that there are so many children, right here in the US, that do not have the same luxury that we do.
When you really take a minute to think about it, this is a very unfortunate reality. But, with every unfortunate reality, there is always a silver lining.
In this case, the silver lining is in the form of TOMS.
Blake and a TOMS team return to Argentina in the Summer of 2010 to celebrate the 1 millionth pair of new shoes given.
A few weeks ago, Blake Mycoskie, the founder of TOMS, made an announcement stating that "the company has made a major commitment to children in the United States and through its Giving Partners will give at least one million pairs of new shoes to children in need by the end of 2014.."
That's right.
One of the most coveted shoe brands here in the states has made a promise to give back by helping those who are in need in our very own backyard. Not over seas - here in the US.
How are they going to make this possible? Easy. TOMS will continue to match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need of shoes - this is what the One for One® movement is all about.
1,000,000+ Shoes will be given to 35+ states by the end of 2014
Not every child has the same goal, which is why there are three different types of shoes that will be given through the One for One movement. (I would like to make note that these specific shoes are NOT for sale).
Retail companies like TOMS are a great source of inspiration. A brand that strives in making the act of giving back such a high priority, is certainly a brand that I would happily purchase from more than once.
Knowing that I am helping a child in need by buying a pair of TOMS shoes for my own child (as well as a few pairs for me, of course) really does make a difference in the way my family can help others that do not have the same resources that we do. Wouldn't you agree?
Now it's YOUR turn: To find out even more ways, you can participate in the TOMS #OneforOne movement, please visit thier GETTING INVOLVED tab on their main website.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Natural Remedies and Beauty Tips to Improve #ALLERGYFACE #AD
This post is part of a sponsored campaign on behalf of Latina Bloggers Connect and the makers of ZYRTEC®
About a month ago, I wrote a post giving you a few tips that can help those of you who like me, suffer from #ALLERGYFACE. If you are wondering what "allergyface" is, let me break it down for you: Allergies affect not only the way we feel, but the way we look. There are so many women who suffer from symptoms that can be thought of as beauty challenges such as a puffy face, red nose, and watery eyes. These are three most common types of #ALLERGYFACE.
In that first post, I shared six smart tips that can easily help anyone combat these types of beauty challenges. You can read more about these tips, HERE.
Following suit, today I wanted to give you a few more natural remedies along with a few easy beauty tips that can help hide #ALLERGYFACE.
Let's start with these natural remedies:
1. Keep a COOL HUMIDIFIER - set your humidifier on cool to help rid the air of allergens. The water from the humidifier will stick to the allergens in the air causing them to become heavy enough that these will fall to the floor rather than remain floating in the air just waiting to be inhaled. (sounds gross, but unfortunately this is true!)
2. Take VITAMIN C - In order for Vitamin C to be effective, most people need to take around 500mg of vitamin C, at least twice a day. My recommendation on this one is to consult this with your doctor first. If the doctor says it's okay, then give it a try - you should begin seeing results within a week or so.
3. Get yourself a big bottle of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR - you can drink it if you like, but I was thinking more along the lines of rinsing your hair with it instead. Try using 1/2 cup of ACV with 1/2 cup of water at least twice a week during allergy season to rinse out any allergens that may have fallen onto your hair while being outdoors.
4. EAT MORE FRUITS & VEGGIES - There are quite a few allergy fighting foods that you can eat to help tame those allergies from the inside out : citrus (oranges & grapefruit), berries and cherries, dark colored grapes, and apples.
Now that you a few natural remedies to try, let's talk about the different ways you can hide #ALLERGYFACE :
1. EYE DROPS - using eyedrops should become the very first step in your beauty routine. Dropping a few eyedrops to puffy eyes as soon as you wake up will help your eyes become whiter and much brighter by th time you begin to apply your makeup.
2. Put it on ICE - after using eye drops, grab an icecube or two, and rub them around your face. Make sure to use a gentle touch when doing this! Using icecubes will help alleviate a puffy face.
3. CONCEAL REDNESS - no one who suffers from allergies wants to walk around with a red nose. There a few simple ways to cover this: apply a little dab of Aquaphor onto your nose. Follow this by applying a yellow or green concealer to hide the redness.
4. Always, Always, KEEP YOUR BRUSHES CLEAN! - this tip cannot be stressed enough. Using a "dirty" makeup brush is the worse thing you can do if you suffer from #ALLERGYFACE. Bacteria is known to harbor in brushes and sponges. Clean ALL of your makeup brushes (and sponges) with either makeup remover or a igual mixture of antibacterial soap and olive oil.
For even more tips, check out this video Embracing Your Natural Belleza Latina with Carmen Ordoñez from on YouTube (HERE).
In this video, Carmen shares simple tips to help You look naturally beautiful when battling ALLERGYFACE. For example, she advises to "apply navy blue or cobalt mascara to help the whites of your eyes appear brighter". This will help to reduce the appearance of watery eyes.
Once you get into the routine of using these natural remedies, then you can start planning on how to "hide" those telltale signs of allergyface. Just because we have to go through allergy season, doesnt mean that we have to let the whole world see it!
Visit ZYRTEC® on Facebook at to learn more about how to combat ALLERGY FACE™.
Now its Your turn: Do you use any of your own natural remedies or special beauty tricks to hide your #ALLERGYFACE? Please share them with us in the comments!
Disclosure: This post is part of a sponsored campaign on behalf of Latina Bloggers Connect and the makers of ZYRTEC®. All photos and opinions posted here are 100% my own. To see a full disclosure used by this website, please refer to our DISCLOSURE page at the top of this page. Thank you!
photo credit: we heart it
Thursday, August 29, 2013
MTV VMA's Beauty Takeover by COVERGIRL

Hopefully by now You are just as tired as I am from hearing all the news surrounding Miley Cyrus and her performance at the MTV VMA's. In my opinion, it is not the first time an artist pushes the moral envelope by their onstage performance and it certainly will not be the last.
There. I am done.
Now, let's talk about something positive about that night that was NOT mentioned at all:
COVERGIRL was the official beauty sponsor for this years VMA's.

DJs NERVO (Mim & Liv) were the official deejays on the red carpet. The newest CG on the block, Becky G, also attended the VMAs for the 1st time, and debuted her CVS ‘Back to School and Back on Tour’ TV commercial.
The amazing P!NK won the 1st moonman of the night before the awards even began! The legendary R&B queen, Janelle Monae, took home a moonman too for her Erykah Badu collaboration! And last but not least, Lionsgate helped COVERGIRL debut their official #CapitolCOVERGIRL collection commercial for The Hunger Games partnership.
Watch the video here:
Check out COVERGIRL'S new Beauty Studio website
Not only were these COVERGIRL's busy entertaining the crowds and winning awards, they were also rocking some fierce makeup looks.
Mim and Liv of NERVO’s Makeup Looks:
· For Mim, COVERGIRL Clean Whipped Cream Foundation in Natural Beige (340) was applied as a base, followed by blush and two different bronzers for defined cheekbones: the Clean Glow Blush in Roses and Clean Glow Bronzer in Spices, and also TruBlend Minerals Bronzer in Golden Sunrise. The blended colors provided precise definition.
· On the eyes, she started with COVERGIRL Ink It! Liner in Black Ink and drew from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, defining the eye lid into a full cat eye shape. Flamed Out Shadow Pot in Molten Black was used to fill in the space between the outer line and the lash line. The top water line was filled with liner to enhance the thickness of her lashes. To complete the bold eye, she finished with Clump Crusher Extensions in Very Black.
· On the lips, a pop of sheer color was added using Queen Collection Jumbo Gloss Balm in Pink Diamond (800).
· Liv’s beauty look was kept really simple with a striking cat eye. She used Clean Whipped Cream Foundation in Buff Beige (325) all over her face, and then set with TruBLEND Minerals Loose Powder in Translucent Medium (415). Clean Glow Bronzer in Spices was used to contour the cheeks and finished with Clean Glow Blush in Peaches.
· A dramatic cat eye was created using a nude shadow as the base. She started with COVERGIRL Eye Enhancers in Mink (750), and then wore LineBlast 24 Hour Liner to create the sexy cat eye.
· Liv’s look was finished with a beautiful lip created using LipPerfection in Rapture (280) with a touch of Smoochies Lip Balm in Luv Bug (245) for that extra gloss.
Becky G’s Makeup Look:
· On the eyes, Becky wore a shadow one shade darker than her skin color applied all over her lid, using a fluffy eye shadow brush. On top, she wore COVERGIRL Ink It! Liner in Black Ink on her upper and lower lash lines. The liner was worked into her lashes with a small smudge brushed to give her a natural smoked-out look. To finish, her lashes were coated with COVERGIRL Flamed Out Mascara to make them really pop!
· Becky’s skin was prepped by moisturizing and applying COVERGIRL Clean Whipped Creme Foundation. A bit of COVERGIRL + Olay Concealer Balm was applied under her eyes and wherever needed. COVERGIRL Clean Glow Blush in Roses was swept along her cheeks to finish her skin and powder was applied to keep the shine away.
· Soft lips are always a must! Becky’s lips were lined and filled with a soft berry liner and applied COVERGIRL Lipslicks Smoochies Lip Balm in Be Sweet, finishing with a layer of COVERGIRL Wetslicks Fruit Spritzers Lipgloss in Papaya Splash to give her a super juicy pout.
Not only did these GC's makeup look flawless and fierce, but they also rocked some easy trendy nail art.
Mim and Liv of NERVO’s Nail Looks:
· For Mim, the base was COVERGIRL Outlast Stay Brilliant Nail Gloss in Black Diamond, Snow Storm, Forever Fawn, and Golden Opportunity. To make the look really funky, bold accessories were added including studs, a diamond bow and gold chains. She even donned an MTV flag on one of her nails to pay homage to the VMAs!
· For Liv, the look was kept simple, starting with a base of COVERGIRL Outlast Stay Brilliant Nail Gloss in Black Diamond and Snow Storm, with cool designs on each to give the look some edge.
Becky G’s Nail Look:
· COVERGIRL Outlast Stay Brilliant Nail Gloss in Snow Storm was applied as the base, and embellished with the bright Outlast Stay Brilliant Glosstini colors including Bahama Mama, Lemon Drop, Sangria, and Blue Hawaiian. She wore a graffiti design, very reminiscent of the tagged Brooklyn buildings, which was achieved by tapping a sponge on the nails while they were still wet to mix the colors.
Disclosure: All links provided in this article are NOT affiliate links. These are provided to help you read more information about the specific COVERGIRL product mentioned in the article.
Now its Your turn: Did you watch the MTV VMA's? If so, what was Your favorite makeup look of the night? Let us know in the comments!
Monday, August 26, 2013
Fall Beauty Trends and Healthy Skin Tips using Neutrogena #NTGbeautifulInsideOut #Ad
This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and NEUTROGENA.
During these last few days of August, all I have been thinking about is how much fun transitioning into the upcoming Fall season is going to be. I truly love summertime and the heat, but there are two Fall beauty trends that I cannot wait to wear again in the next few weeks:
Classy Smokey Eyes -
I cannot help it. I am a die hard smokey eye fanatic. I cannot wait to wear a dark smoked out eyeliner. So, once the temperature gets a little cooler, I will be bringing out a few powder shadows and eye pencils in black, brown and dark purple.TIP: Use both eyeshadow and eye pencils in similar shades to create a velvety look. Just dip an angled brush into the powder, then go over the line you created on your eyelids using the eye pencil. The final touch is to smudge out the color with a dry brush.
Dewey Pink Blush -
Blush is one of those makeup products that once applied, it automatically brings life to your face. Wearing a flesh-toned pink blush looks more natural on the skin, especially during the crisp Fall weather. For me, the easiest way to get this “flushed” look, is by applying a cream blush in pink, followed by a swipe of Neutrogena's Healthy Glow Blush & Bronzer Duo in Rosy Glow.TIP: When using a cream or gel blush, apply a powder blush in a similar shade on top. This will prolong the wear of your blush for an all day romantic look.
I am sure that there will be more beauty trends that I will end up trying, but even before thinking about what makeup I will wearing, I always make sure that my skin care routine is helping my skin stay clear from breakouts.
In order to keep my skin (which is oily and acne prone) clear, I have been using Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash. This wash is gentle but very effective at deep cleaning pores while treating breakouts with every use. I tend to use this wash immediately after removing any dirt or makeup with Neutrogena's makeup remover cleansing towelettes.
TIP: Neutrogena's Oil Free Acne Wash contains salicylic acid, an ingredient needed for acne treatment. Although the formula is gentle for everyday use (morning/night), anyone who may be allergic to aspirin (such as myself) should limit their use to once every few days.
Right before going to bed, I always take a few minutes to apply an anti-aging serum or lotion. Neutrogena's Rapid Wrinkle Repair moisturizer is lightweight (will not clog your pores) yet helps remove the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The consistency is perfect – not too thick or too watery.
TIP: Make sure to apply your night time serum/moisturizer to your neck and chest area. The neck and chest area tend to show signs of aging before our faces do!
By the time morning arrives, my skin feels soft, supple and looks refreshed. After washing my skin, I am then ready to sit down and work on my makeup. On most days, I only need three products:
Neutrogena Healthy Skin Primer
Neutrogena Healthy Skin Liquid makeup in natural beige
Neutrogena Healthy Skin Brightening Eye Perfector in light.
TIP: The best aspect of these three face products is that each contain SPF. Most people are under the impression that SPF is only need in the summer months, but that is not true! You need to protect your skin from the sun every day!
Once I have applied these three essentials, I am confident that my skin is radiant and ready for any type of beauty trend I choose to wear for that day, no matter what season we are in.
I hope you found this article helpful. A very special thank you to Latina Bloggers Connect and Neutrogena for supplying us with these amazing products!
Now it's YOUR turn: Are there any Fall Beauty Trends you are excited to wear? Do You have any tips on keeping Your skin healthy during the seasons? Let us know in the comments!
beauty tips,
fall beauty trends,
fall trends,
healthy skin tips,
skin care tips,
LatinFlava Designs, Columbus, OH, USA
Friday, August 23, 2013
New Things that are Coming to the Blog!
So, what's are these NEW things coming to the blog?
For starters, during the past few weeks we have been meeting with several different buyers and wholesalers looking for new pieces to add to our boutique's Fall 2013 Collection. This is the main reason why this blog has not been updated as usual - and for that I do apologize.
Good news is, in the next few weeks there will be new content added to the blog:
- Our second sponsored post for ZYRTEC's #ALLERGYFACE campaign
- Product reviews for Hydroxatone's Anti-Aging BB Cream and HYD for Men
- We were selected by Eclos to join their Dare to Go Bare skin care 2-week challenge
- A new beauty spnsored post for Neutrogena's #NTGbeautifulInsideOut campaign
- We are going to be Brand Ambassadors for TOM'S Shoes
One new addition to this blog that You may have noticed is a new page called "Blog Sale" that is now listed.
The Blog Sale was created as a special addition to the blog specifically dedicated to help You find great products at the best pricing possible. As many of You may have noticed, I have partenered with quite a few Brands as an Affiliate, which is how I get a tiny commission from certain items that You may buy when these are recommended to You in our posts. (This commission helps keep the blog online, buy stock photos, keeps our network up, ect....)
Now, let me to say this: please DO NOT EVER feel obligated to buy something from my links. The main reason why this Blog Sale is in existence is: to share items that are in popular demand but that can be offered to You at a great price.
Here at the offices, we tend to receive packages almost daily! I can attest to that mainly because I
am the one making ALL the orders!! The way I see it is:
If we can get pretty things at a great price, why shouldn't YOU?!
Now that I'm out of the "closet" with my shopping addiction, I will make it PRIORITY #1 to keep this Blog Sale as current as humanly possible by updating the page every weekend ;)
Please take Your time browsing through this page - If at any time, You have a product suggestion that You want to see featured, feel free to let us know via email:
Now it's Your turn: Have a fantastic weekend! Don't let anything distract You from having tons of fun over the weekend!!
If You have time, check out the first photo in the sidebar to Your right. We are in the process of designing a new fashion/beauty online boutique. We are offering something very special to everyone who joins the VIP Maven List!! I don't want You to miss out on this - it's going to be an amazing new venture!!
photo credit: stand magazines stock photo by
Friday, August 16, 2013
Back to School: Super Speedy Skincare

TGIF Dolls! The weekend is officially here...finally!
This week was dedicated to providing you with basic beauty tips - especially for those of you who will be going back to school this month. To recap, here is what was featured earlier this week:
Back to School: Tools of the Trade {we hand selected which beauty tools you should have in your beauty kit for flawless makeup application}
Back to School: Five tips to a better shave {who wants to run around in gym with knicked legs, right?}
The last post for this mini-series is going to help you get in and out of the bathroom in three minutes or less...Say what? Yes! It's possible!!
Check it out:
Super Speedy Skincare in three minutes or less:
0:00 - Wash your face messaging the cleanser into skin using circular motions.
0:50 - Rinse face off with tepid water - patting dry with a clean soft washcloth.
1:00 - Using a cotton pad, apply toner onto skin. Give it a few second to dry.
1:30 - Tap a pea size amount of eye cream to the tops of cheekbones working your way up to the lower eyelashes. Use your ring finger to do this and for the love of God, DO NOT rub!
2:00 - Now it's time to moisturize. Smooth your daily face cream or serum all over the face and neck area - avoid the eye area. Let the moisturizer do its thing and sink into your skin.
2:30 - Skin is now prepped for some SPF. Yes, you need to use SPF everyday...and I mean E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y.! Apply it to your face, neck and hands.
3:00 - Your done!! Now you can either start priming your skin for makeup, or just run out the door...your choice, but make sure you're fully dressed before runnning outside!!
And..that's how it's done!
Give this super speedy skincare morning routine a try. Who knows..You may just amaze yourself at how quickly you can get ready in the AM!
PS. Don't forget to check out the amazing back to school offer from Sigma Beauty:
Back to School Promo: 15% off all eye shadow bases and Synthetic Precision 4 brush kit
When: Thursday, August 15-Thursday, August 29
Discount: 15% Off
Code: B2S2013
Now its YOUR turn: How long does it usually take you to get ready in the morning? Let us know in the comments!
[photo credit:]
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Back to School : Five Tips to a Better Shave

This past Monday we started a "back to school" mini-post series where we shared our top five tools of the trade that every student needs to have in their survival beauty kit. If you missed it, you can read all the details by clicking on this title: Back to School: Beauty 101: Tools of the Trade
In the spirit of keeping these posts short and sweet, here are our 5 tips to a better shave:
1. Exfoliate - this is the best way to prevent ingrown hairs. Exfoliating will clear your skin from dead skin cells before shaving. Tip: Try this DIY scrub: 2 tbsp pure honey, 2 tbsp olive oil (or coconut oil) and 4 tbsp granulated sugar (or brown sugar).
2. Soften - the ideal time to shave is when you are taking a shower (like you didn't know that one, right?). For best results, soften your hair/stubble with warm water for about three minutes before breaking out the razor.
3. Lather - contrary to belief, using bath soap to shave is a HUGE mistake. Bath soaps even hair conditioners can clog your razor as well as dry out your skin. Instead do this: layer a shaving lotion or gel onto skin. Tip: if your skin is super sensitive, use grapeseed oil as an alternative.
4. Skip the Scents - it is imperative to AVOID all of the following: fragranced creams, deoderants (yes, you read that correctly: deoderants), and perfumes for at least an hour after shaving. The only product you should apply immediately after shaving is an unscented lotion to seal in the moisture.
5. Stay Calm - every once in a while after shaving your skin can feel "burned" - when this happens, it's time to pull out a bottle of Mylanta. Pour a little bit onto a cotton pad placing it directly onto the razor burn for at least five minutes. Another calming regimen is placing a slightly chilled, damp chamomile tea bag onto affected area - this will help calm any swelling.
Please keep in mind that all of these tips can be applied to all body areas that are being shaved - not just your legs! Taking the extra time and effort in following these five tips will help you become a shaving mastah!
Enjoyed these tips? Check out these two other related articles for even more tips:
Avoiding Common Under Arm Blunders (Part I)
Avoiding Common Under Arm Blunders (Part II)
Now it's Your turn: Do you have any tried and true tips for shaving? Let us know in the comments - or facebook - or twitter ... We want to hear from YOU!
{photo credit: Image courtesy of marin/}
Monday, August 12, 2013
Back to School : Beauty 101 : Tools of the Trade
The next few mini-posts are going to be to all the wonderful ladies who are getting ready for the new school year.
Going back to school usually means you will be spending time at the department stores shopping for supplies, stocking up on pencils, notebooks and paper..... buying new clothes, shoes and hair accessories.
Although you may have all the school essentials taken care of, today I want to help you refill your beauty supply kit with a few must have essentials that are sure to help you move forward onto the fall season.
The most important part of your beauty supply kit are going to be your key makeup tools. There are five "tools of the trade" you are going to need:
1. Foundation Brush or Beauty Blender - these are key for getting flawless coverage. Tip: when you use a foundation brush, swirl the product in circles to avoid streaks.
2. Kabuki Brush - this is perfect for applying blush, bronzer, or powder.
3. Fan Brush - using a fan brush is ideal for applying a tiny bit of highlighter to the tops of your cheeks.
4. Eyelash Curler - look for a curler that has a flat "bite" so you can get as close to the lash line as possible. Crimp lashes three times: at roots, mid-eyelash and tips.
5. Eye-shadow Brush - try to look for a full brush with close-set brushes as this will help you apply color all over the lid. A second brush you will need for eye-shadow is a blending brush, one that is preferably domes shape.
Special Bonus:
Get the Precision Grip Teardrop Blender {here} for under $5!
All the brushes in the pic-collage can be purchased by clicking the Sigma Banner below - Don't forget to use the coupon code: B2S2013 for your discount!
Get the Precision Grip Teardrop Blender {here} for under $5!
All the brushes in the pic-collage can be purchased by clicking the Sigma Banner below - Don't forget to use the coupon code: B2S2013 for your discount!
Now it's YOUR turn: What are Your top favorite "tools of the trade"? Let us know in the comments!
Stay tuned for more Back to School : Beauty 101: Tips coming this week. Next we are sharing our tips to getting a better shave!
Monday, August 5, 2013
How to Achieve the Perfect Bridal Makeup
Although the official summer season is close to its end, there is one event that will continue moving forward into the Fall and Winter months:
Bridal Season.
A few weeks ago, we started a series of bridal related articles where we shared skin care tips as well as a few suggestions on what you could wear if you were attending a wedding this summer.
1. Beauty Tips for Brides
2. Skincare Tips for the Bride-to-Be
3. Apricot Collection - Wedding Guest Edition
To finish our bridal series, we will be offering You a few more tips on how to achieve the perfect wedding day makeup.
- If you are having a facial done, make sure it is at least two weeks prior to your wedding.
- If your skin is prone to breakouts, see your dermatologist 3 or 4 months before your wedding.
- Staying hydrated is important to keeping you looking refreshed. Drinking lots of water will also flush out impurities from the skin.
- Eyebrows should be shaped 5-7 days before the wedding. Be sure not to pluck on your wedding day because you could land up with unattractive red bumps that are difficult to cover.
- On your wedding day blend your makeup well and let set. You do not need extra makeup to please the camera that's a myth.
- Choose a lipstick that lasts. Apply just prior to walking down the isle. Go easy on the lip liner. Line and fill mouth with a neutral pencil to make lipstick stay on longer.
- To lengthen wearing time of your lipstick, apply a light layer of powder over your lipstick then apply another layer of lipstick.
- If you are doing your own makeup, see a beauty consultant and purchase your make up at least 3 months in advance. Then practice until you've got the perfect makeup.
- Waterproof mascara is a great idea just in case you get a little weepy.
- A very light application of facial powder will set your makeup.
- Keep your powder, mascara, and lipstick in your purse so you can freshen up at a moments notice.
- If you discover that dreaded pimple on your wedding day, do not squeeze it! Just apply a few drops of Visene to get the red out, cover with concealer, and apply foundation.
- Avoid glittery or dewy looks - these are not very receptive for photographs and you may come out looking oily or too shiny.
- If your wedding is outside be sure to apply sunscreen BEFORE applying your makeup.
- Water based foundation looks most natural in photos.
- For eye contouring, apply a dark but neutral in the crease of the eye. You can line the upper and lower lids (optional) with brown or grey shadow, smudging the outer corners. If you need to make your eyes look wider or brighter, use a white pencil to line the inside of the lower lids.
- Don't get too much sun before your wedding. Sunburns, peeling skin and tan lines can sabotage your special day.
- Make certain your wedding photographer is "not" using grainy film, because no matter how good your makeup is, with grainy film it will not look good! Instead, make sure your wedding photographer is using high quality film so your photos can do your wedding makeup some justice.
- For your makeup to look good in your photos, it must be completely matte and in neutral tones. Add color by applying makeup in pastels - these shades look soft and pretty. Try to avoid glitter, shimmer and frosted eye-shadows.
- Shine is the #1 enemy for photos. Have a few blotting sheets available in the event your skin feels a little oily.
And....there you have it. An entire list of easy, yet very important, tips to help you have the perfect wedding day makeup. After all, it's your day! You deserve to look absolutely beautiful!
Now it's YOUR turn: Do YOU have any bridal tips that you would like to share? Let us know in the comments!!
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Friday, July 26, 2013
Six Smart Tips to Help Combat #ALLERGYFACE {sponsored content}
This post is part of a sponsored campaign on behalf of Latina Bloggers Connect and the makers of ZYRTEC®
One of the many things that we as women have to prepare ourselves for is allergy season. Once the warm weather arrives, some of us tend to suffer from #ALLERGYFACE : the puffy face, red nose or watery eyes - if not all three! Oh Man, can that be aggravating, or what?
Good news is, there are several ways to keep these allergy symptoms under control.
Before sharing my Six Smart Tips to Combat #ALLERGYFACE , I wanted to share a short video featuring beauty and fashion expert, Carmen Ordoñez from In this video, Carmen gives a few budget friendly tips on how to help soothe a red nose and puffy eyes - two of the most common beauty challenges that are heavily associated with #ALLERGYFACE.
To see this video in SPANISH - Click HERE
Now that you are armed with a few budget friendly tips from Carmen's video, let's take a look at a few more additional tips that are sure to help you this allergy season.
Six Smart Tips to Help Combat #ALLERGYFACE :
1. Try to drink more green tea during the warmer months. It is said that drinking green tea can help alleviate a red nose from constant sneezing.
2. If you are like me, who suffers from puffy face, try eating a healthy dose of fresh pineapples every day for almost instant relief. I like to peel the pineapple, cut it in round slices and store them in the fridge. Whenever I feel my cheeks getting puffy, I immediately eat a few slices and relief comes shortly after. It's truly AMAZING!
3. An easy method to relieve puffy eyes is to get your hands on a few bags of black tea. All you have to do is dip two black tea bags (one for each eye) in a cup of hot water for a few minutes. Let the bags cool in the fridge, then apply the damp bags as a compress to closed eyes for about 10 min. Super easy and Relaxing!
4. If you like to exercise outdoors - try doing so during the early hours of the morning. This will ensure that you are less prone to be affected by pollen in their "peak" time which is during the afternoon.
5. This tip coincides with tip #4 - Any time you are outdoors ALWAYS make sure to RINSE OFF after being outside. Toss any clothing that you wearing outside into your hamper and put a lid on it! Oh, by the way, washing your hair also helps remove any pollen that could have fallen into it while you were outside.
6. Drink plenty of fluids - especially water. The extra dose of H2O will help thin out any mucus that may accumulate in your airways helping you to breathe a little better.
There you have it! A few simple, budget friendly tips to keep in mind during this allergy season. Trust me, putting a few of these in practice will help you combat any symptoms, keeping #ALLERGYFACE at bay, or at least under control.
If you found this post helpful, feel free to check out to view part one and part two of Carmen’s ALLERY FACE™ video series.
You can also follow Carmen on Twitter at @VivaFashion and check out her blog for her latest ALLERGY FACE™ tips and tricks.
For product savings and rewards to help you feel better, visit and ZYRTEC® on Facebook
Now it's Your turn: If you suffer from #ALLERGYFACE , how do you manage with these symptoms? Share your tips in the comments!
Disclosure: This post is part of a sponsored campaign on behalf of Latina Bloggers Connect and the makers of ZYRTEC®. All photos and opinions posted here are 100% my own. To see a full disclosure used by this website, please refer to our DISCLOSURE page at the top of this page. Thank you!
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Monday, July 22, 2013
Steal This Look from The New COVERGIRL Becky G #covergirlbeckyg
Earlier this month, COVERGIRL finally announced that they had chosen 16 year old, Becky G to be the brand's New COVERGIRL. As the newest addition to the COVERGIRL brand, Becky G recently finished shooting her very first bilingual COVERGIRL TV commercial, which she debuted at the Premios Juventud this past Friday, July 19.
If you were not able to watch the Spanish Award Show, here is a clip of Becky G's new commercial.
After watching this commercial, you have to admit that the new COVERGIRL is a beautiful young lady, with a lot of talent. The 16 year old Mexican-American rapper, singer, songwriter performed her new EP track ‘Play It Again’ instantly winning over the crowd that attended the Premios Juventud!
Not only did Becky G perform at the Award Ceremony, the new COVERGIRL was also nominated for ‘Premio Revelacion Juvenil’. This would explain why the young songstress appeared looking completely flawless when walking the red carpet.
Celebrity MUA, Sarah Uslan drew inspiration from Becky’s fans who voted between three eye looks inspired by COVERGIRL’s Flamed Out Collection. Here are the exact steps and products Sarah used to create Becky's red carpet look:
1. For the face, start out by applying COVERGIRL Clean Whipped Crème Foundation and afterwards, apply COVERGIRL Clean Glow Bronzer.
2. To accent the cheek bones apply COVERGIRL Cheekers Blush and to set the look use COVERGIRL Clean Pressed Powder to finish off the face and reduce the brightness of the skin so that Becky G was camera ready.
3. For the eyes, apply COVERGIRL Flamed Out Shadow Pencil in Gold Flame (330) to entire inner corner of eyelid. Also use it to line the lower inner corner of eye.
4. Softly apply COVERGIRL Flamed Out Shadow Pencil in Red-Hot Flame (310) to outer corner of eye; gently smudge the Gold Flame and Red-Hot shades together with the finger across the middle of the eyelid to blend.
5. Line the entire rim of the eye with COVERGIRL Ink It! By Perfect Point Plus, Charcoal Ink (250).
6. Finish with COVERGIRL Flamed Out Mascara in Very Black Blaze (300) for a bold statement.
7. For the lips, to add that Miami ‘sabor’, Becky G rocked COVERGIRL Lip Perfection in Flame (300) to add a pop of the tropics.
As you can see, with just a few select COVERGIRL products, you too can achieve this flawless and youthful Red Carpet makeup look.
If you enjoyed today's "Steal This Look" beauty tutorial, then here are a few more that You may have missed:
Sofia Vergara at the SAG Awards
Sofia Vergara at the Golden Globes
Taylor Swift & P!nk at the American Music Awards
P!nk at the MTV Awards
Now it's YOUR turn: Speaking of COVERGIRL products, have you tried any of their newest products mentioned in this post? Let us know which items you have used and share your thoughts in the comments!
Disclosure: All of the links posted in our "Steal This Look" makeup posts are NOT affiliate links. These links are ONLY provided to help our readers see the exact COVERGIRL items used by the MUA. If you decide to purchase any products by using these links, we DO NOT receive any form of compensation.
If you were not able to watch the Spanish Award Show, here is a clip of Becky G's new commercial.
After watching this commercial, you have to admit that the new COVERGIRL is a beautiful young lady, with a lot of talent. The 16 year old Mexican-American rapper, singer, songwriter performed her new EP track ‘Play It Again’ instantly winning over the crowd that attended the Premios Juventud!
Not only did Becky G perform at the Award Ceremony, the new COVERGIRL was also nominated for ‘Premio Revelacion Juvenil’. This would explain why the young songstress appeared looking completely flawless when walking the red carpet.
Celebrity MUA, Sarah Uslan drew inspiration from Becky’s fans who voted between three eye looks inspired by COVERGIRL’s Flamed Out Collection. Here are the exact steps and products Sarah used to create Becky's red carpet look:
1. For the face, start out by applying COVERGIRL Clean Whipped Crème Foundation and afterwards, apply COVERGIRL Clean Glow Bronzer.
2. To accent the cheek bones apply COVERGIRL Cheekers Blush and to set the look use COVERGIRL Clean Pressed Powder to finish off the face and reduce the brightness of the skin so that Becky G was camera ready.
3. For the eyes, apply COVERGIRL Flamed Out Shadow Pencil in Gold Flame (330) to entire inner corner of eyelid. Also use it to line the lower inner corner of eye.
4. Softly apply COVERGIRL Flamed Out Shadow Pencil in Red-Hot Flame (310) to outer corner of eye; gently smudge the Gold Flame and Red-Hot shades together with the finger across the middle of the eyelid to blend.
5. Line the entire rim of the eye with COVERGIRL Ink It! By Perfect Point Plus, Charcoal Ink (250).
6. Finish with COVERGIRL Flamed Out Mascara in Very Black Blaze (300) for a bold statement.
7. For the lips, to add that Miami ‘sabor’, Becky G rocked COVERGIRL Lip Perfection in Flame (300) to add a pop of the tropics.
As you can see, with just a few select COVERGIRL products, you too can achieve this flawless and youthful Red Carpet makeup look.
If you enjoyed today's "Steal This Look" beauty tutorial, then here are a few more that You may have missed:
Sofia Vergara at the SAG Awards
Sofia Vergara at the Golden Globes
Taylor Swift & P!nk at the American Music Awards
P!nk at the MTV Awards
Now it's YOUR turn: Speaking of COVERGIRL products, have you tried any of their newest products mentioned in this post? Let us know which items you have used and share your thoughts in the comments!
Disclosure: All of the links posted in our "Steal This Look" makeup posts are NOT affiliate links. These links are ONLY provided to help our readers see the exact COVERGIRL items used by the MUA. If you decide to purchase any products by using these links, we DO NOT receive any form of compensation.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Seven Tips to Beat the Summer Heat #PerlierOnHSN
This post is sponsored by iFabbo & Perlier
When the weather gets warm, everyone wants to enjoy a little fun in the sun. Whether your job or your leisure activities have you spending a lot of time out of doors, you might want to learn a few tips about beating the heat.
Are you wondering why you need to know these tips?
One Answer: The sun burns more than a million times hotter than what we feel. When its radiation reaches us it is manageable, but it can still do damage to your body.
The skin is not the only part of you that is affected, even though it is a large problem. Lots of time spent in the sun, especially without protection, can damage both the inner as well as the outer layers of your skin. Not to mention that extensive exposure to the sun will make you age faster - NO ONE wants that!
Before going into the seven tips to beat the summer heat, I want to introduce you to one of the "coolest" beauty products out there that will certainly help you to combat the summer heat. {And yes, the pun was intended!}
Perlier Lemon Sorbet Refreshing Ice Granita is a cooling crackling body water in a spray bottle. As you can imagine by the name, the product smells just like a freshly made fruity lemon sorbet.
Two weeks ago, right after a way too long outdoors work out session, I decided to give this body water spray a try.
Here is the instavideo I made showing you exactly how easy it is to use this product:
This body water when sprayed onto your skin, appears like foam. As the foamy water touches your skin, you IMMEDIATELY feel a cooling sensation while hearing the water crackle and pop. The sensation was a little unexpected at first, but as you begin to rub the water into your skin, it immediately dissolves, moisturizing your skin. So, not only will you instantly cool down, your skin will also be soft to the touch.
Keeping the Perlier Lemon Sorbet Refreshing Ice Granita in mind, let's share seven tips to beat the summer heat:
1. Wear light colored clothing – Dark colors absorb heat. You could be raising your temperature by several degrees before you even start any type of activity. Choose lightweight fabrics that breathe like cotton. Another option is breathable synthetics like fitness wear that is made to wick away the moisture from your body.
2. Wear sun protection – If you don’t want to block out all of the sun’s rays, then at least wear sunscreen. It will protect you from the more harmful ultraviolet rays. Try a formula that is waterproof so that when you sweat it won’t wash off.
3. Plan activities for certain times – Plan on going outdoors when the sun isn’t highest in the sky. That would be early in the morning, later in the afternoon, or in the evening after the sun has gone down.
4. Drink plenty of water – Hydration is very important anyway, but especially when the weather is warm. You lose water through your skin as sweat and through urination. The body can’t function as well when the fluid levels are low. Lack of water can lead to serious heat-related illnesses.
5. Use your air conditioning in the car – People think that running the air conditioning uses up a lot of gas. Truth be told, having the windows down for ventilation creates a drag that causes your car to use more gas than if the windows were up. And, the air is actually cool.
6. Take a cool shower – When you come in, take a shower or a dip in the bath using tepid water. It can lower your body temperature, especially when you have been working hard outside.
7. Eat light – No one wants a heavy meal on their stomach when the temperature rises. Try sandwiches, fruits and vegetables. Lower your salt intake to prevent water retention and bloating.
To end this list, here is a BONUS tip for You:
8. Use Perlier Lemon Sorbet Refreshing Ice Granita in the morning for a fruity splash of "cooling" energy or at night to help remove any tiredness or heat you may have experienced during the day. Another way to use this cooling body water is to put it in the fridge a few minutes before applying.
I hope you find these simple tips useful this summer. As the summer season continues, there will be plenty of days when Perlier's new Lemon Sorbet Crackling Ice Body Water will by no doubt come in handy!
Here's how You too can get Your hands on this Summer Must Have beauty product:
Now it's YOUR turn: Head over to HSN {HERE} and get a cool $5 OFF of Your Perlier purchase by using code iFabbo5
Disclosure: As a member of iFabbo I was provided a complimentary bottle of Perlier's new Lemon Sorbet Crackling Ice Body Water for the purpose of this sponsored review. All opinions, photos and video are 100% my own. If you opt to purchase this product by clicking on the shared link and using the code provided, I DO NOT receive any form of compensation.
photo credits: beach stock photo by
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