Happy TGIF Beauties!
Fridays are my favorite days of the week. It's the end of the work week, all deadlines are usually completed by this time and Friday night is the best time to unwind and make plans for the weekend.
With that being said, today I wanted to share a fashion list of the Top #10 Fashion Basics every woman should have in her wardrobe.
1. trench coat - outerwear that can be worn year round.
2. a pair of well fitting pants (dark blues)
3. neutral blazer - helps outfits appear "pulled together"
4. statement accessory (necklace, cocktail ring, cuff, scarf)
5. business dress - solid color- can be worn different ways (with scarf, blazer, belt)
6. white party dress - this can also be in print
7. rain-boots - looking pulled together can be done no matter what the weather may be
8. face flattering sunglasses
9. sexy heels
10. pair of comfortable flats - you should be able to walk miles in them!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Come find out what My "Naughty Scecrets" are!
Last month I shared news with you about a new partnership we have formed with Eden Fantasys. We gave you (our wonderful readers) a chance to participate in the discussion by asking you if there was a certain product you were interested in learning more about. After reviewing your requests there was one item that was mentioned the most: Pheromones.
Like the saying goes, "Ask and you shall receive."
Today I wanted to share with you my review on the Naughty Secrets Body Fragrance.
When I first removed the bottle from the packaging I was pleasantly surprised. I really was not sure what to expect but as you can see from the photo, the bottle has a clean-sleek appearance to it. Naughty Secrets Pheromone body fragrance comes in a 6 fl oz spray bottle. The scent I received was Make Me Blush and that it did!
When I sprayed it the first time I noticed that the nozzle sprays quite a bit of mist, which is good because a single spritz is really all you need. The Make Me Blush scent is not over powering but strong enough to last a few hours. I highly suggest that when using, do not press down too hard on the spritzer, especially if you are planning on applying the pheromone to more than one area of the body. When I use it I tend to spray a little on my wrists, nape and behind the knees.
The pheromone body fragrance is clear. It has absolutely no color to it - which I can appreciate being that I have very sensitive skin. I have used the pheromone body spray several times without breaking out. Other than being free of parabens and sulfate, the fragrance is also sugar free; once the mist dries completely, your skin is left silky smooth, there is no sticky residue left on the skin and there are no visible traces (streaks) of the fragrance left on your skin or clothing.
Here are a few more details about Naughty Secrets:
Don't forget! There's still time to get that special "something" for Halloween!
Now it's your turn: Have you ever tried wearing a body fragrance laced with pheromones before? If so, how was your experience? Please share your opinions, suggestions and ideas with us...we enjoy hearing from you!
Disclosure: I have partnered with Eden Fantasies and received this product for review. All opinions expressed are 100% my own. To read the complete disclosure for this blog, please go here.
Like the saying goes, "Ask and you shall receive."
Today I wanted to share with you my review on the Naughty Secrets Body Fragrance.
When I first removed the bottle from the packaging I was pleasantly surprised. I really was not sure what to expect but as you can see from the photo, the bottle has a clean-sleek appearance to it. Naughty Secrets Pheromone body fragrance comes in a 6 fl oz spray bottle. The scent I received was Make Me Blush and that it did!
When I sprayed it the first time I noticed that the nozzle sprays quite a bit of mist, which is good because a single spritz is really all you need. The Make Me Blush scent is not over powering but strong enough to last a few hours. I highly suggest that when using, do not press down too hard on the spritzer, especially if you are planning on applying the pheromone to more than one area of the body. When I use it I tend to spray a little on my wrists, nape and behind the knees.
The pheromone body fragrance is clear. It has absolutely no color to it - which I can appreciate being that I have very sensitive skin. I have used the pheromone body spray several times without breaking out. Other than being free of parabens and sulfate, the fragrance is also sugar free; once the mist dries completely, your skin is left silky smooth, there is no sticky residue left on the skin and there are no visible traces (streaks) of the fragrance left on your skin or clothing.
Here are a few more details about Naughty Secrets:
- Contains White Tea Extract which moisturizes the skin.
- Infused with Pheromone Sex Attractant which is supposed to enhance your sex appeal (please remember a little goes a very l-o-n-g way!)
- Main ingredients are water, fragrance, white tea leaf extract, and parfum.
- Safe for all skin types
- This product is not tested on animals
- Available in three (3) different scents: Make Me Blush, Oh So Original and Citrus.
- Conveniently priced at under $10
Don't forget! There's still time to get that special "something" for Halloween!
Now it's your turn: Have you ever tried wearing a body fragrance laced with pheromones before? If so, how was your experience? Please share your opinions, suggestions and ideas with us...we enjoy hearing from you!
Disclosure: I have partnered with Eden Fantasies and received this product for review. All opinions expressed are 100% my own. To read the complete disclosure for this blog, please go here.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Stay Rejuvenated and Motivated...You need it!
Sometimes motivation is hard to grasp. It's a normal thing but in more cases than not, having lack of motivation does more harm than good. As of the last few days, or dare I say weeks, motivation has certainly left me behind in complete darkness.
Has this ever happened to you?
Life has its moments. There are times when everything appears to go as we have planned. Other times when it's just the opposite; it seems that everything we do, every action we take just leads us further away from our goals, making it seem as if that dark cloud hanging over our heads will never leave.
Sound familiar? I thought so. Which is what brings me to today's post.
One of my favorite hobbies to do when I lack motivation is to read. Reading is a pastime that I have always enjoyed doing - even as a young child. I can easily recall going to the library or book store then coming home, locking myself in my room to just sit on the bed and read...read...and read. Maybe this was my way of escaping my own "hum-drum" reality but none the less, reading is an activity that I still do today.
It just so happens, last week was an extremely non-motivational week for me. I was lacking motivation to such an extent, I did not do any work of any kind. By mid-week, I woke up feeling an urge to grab my IPAD2, make a nook on my side of the bed and just bury my face in it and read...read...and do some more reading!
While reading, I came across Starbucks Refreshers. The article listed a few tips that can help you rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit. I found these tips to be extremely helpful in getting my "mojo" back! I immediately thought, "if this helped me I can only imagine it can certainly help my readers and friends".
Here are the Rejuvenation Nation tips that spoke to me the most:
1. Take an online class. - Although this seems as a good idea, unfortunately most of us do not have the time to spare for a class. However, there is a solution: Find a one hour webinar on a subject that peeks your interest. Most webinars are free which is an added plus. I am registered with Eventbrite for this same reason. Eventbrite will email you with detailed information about local or online events that may suite your interest. If you are not registered with them, I would highly recommend it!
2. Create a book reading list. - Need I say more?
3. Take a healthy getaway. - This may appear to be a costly idea but it really doesn't need to be. I have found that going to the park, or downtown by the waterfront can be very helpful, especially during those moments when anxiety and panic seem to take over.
4. Get some scents. - Yes, sometimes experiencing certain scents can help alleviate our spirits. Having relaxing aromatherapy blends available can certainly calm down our nerves. Lately, I have found myself buying Soy Candles (the Diamond Candles are my favorites!) - they smell amazing, the scent is long-lasting and they get the job done!
5. Plan a date with someone special: YOURSELF! - As simple as this seems, spending quality time with ourselves is something us women tend NOT to do. I have realized (as an adult) that this is a huge mistake! If you do not take the time to treat yourself to some "me time", you will not be able to find balance within yourself and your surroundings and that is not healthy. One idea I can recommend is having a mini-spa date. It doesn't cost much and if you like, it can be done in the comfort of your own home. Sometimes, all you really need is to pamper yourself a little by giving yourself facials, hair treatments, or even a foot massage - trust me, this can certainly work wonders. But, if this is not up your alley, treat yourself to a movie or just go out to lunch..Anything, just DO something..YOU DESERVE IT!
And there you have it...
Five simple tips to keep in mind during those dark days when motivation has left you in the dark. There's absolutely no reason why you should stay feeling unmotivated - on the contrary, take small steps towards keeping your mind, body and spirit rejuvenated!
Now it's your turn: What do you do to feel rejuvenated and motivated? Please feel free to share your ideas with us - we love to hear from you! Leave your thoughts in the comments, on facebook, twitter or even pinterest!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Join the #pintervention Campaign Helping those experiencing Domestic Violence
October is the month of Awareness. We celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness and Anti-Bullying Month but what about Domestic Violence Awareness?
According to research, one out of four women will experience abuse from their partner at one point or another during their lifetime. To some this statistic perhaps may not be that staggering, but to those of us who have experienced domestic violence firsthand, these numbers are a realization that unfortunately we are not alone.
Having experienced this type of abuse during my 20's, I can openly admit that I do understand what it is like to feel the pain and struggle that involves being in a controlled and abusive relationship. When you are smack in the middle of such abusive chaos, you do not realize the damage that this abuse has on your self-esteem and self-worth. Some people may think think that this abuse is a form of expressing love, but it's not!
There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for this kind of behavior and more importantly, there is NO REASON why anyone (female or male) should TOLERATE this behavior - not matter who the abuse is coming from.True, I realized this truth after living through this experience for several years but one thing always remains a fact:
Domestic Violence is NOT okay. Domestic Violence is NOT a form of expressing love. Domestic Violence should NOT be taken lightly or brushed off as acceptable behavior.
Screw that!It is time to make changes.
Every woman, no matter what her age is, needs to be told that she is beautiful, that she is stronger than she thinks and that she is worthy of someone who will love, respect and treat her like the precious diamond she is. (Oh, how I wish I had someone teach me this when I was younger!)
If you are thinking that there is nothing you can do to help someone who is currently living through Domestic Violence, think again. There is plenty you can do! You can start off by doing this:
This is one of the many reasons why I enjoy being part of the mark brand - not just because of their great collection of beauty products and fashion pieces but also because of their dedication in helping women and working towards making a difference.
Now it's your turn: Take a few minutes from your hectic schedule and please join in on this cause by participating in the pintervention Campaign. You never know who you may be helping!
Special note: this is not a compensated post. As a mark.rep I received information about the #pintervention campaign and wanted to share this news with my readers in hopes of helping other women who are going through this experience just as I did years ago. Thank you to all my readers for your endless support!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Throwback Thursday: A Closer Look at Covergirl P!nk at the MTV Awards
Of all the beauty brands out there, Covergirl has certainly made positive strides in selecting women who are not only beautiful but that are successful, happy with who they are, relate able, confident and unique.
Personally, one of my favorite Covergirls has to be P!nk hands down. (My first favorite is Sofia Vergara, but I think you already knew that!) I always have enjoyed listening to her music so to see her now in all her beauty really is a sight to see.
Last week I shared a photo of P!nk for Wordless-Wednesday - which you can see again here. At the end of that post, I mentioned that I would be sharing a sort of "Throwback - Thursday" post about P!nk's makeup look she adorned at the MTV Music Awards last month.
Here is a close up shot of P!nk walking down the Red Carpet:
She is simply glowing. Her makeup is truly flawless. The makeup has a very natural appearance - P!nk does not look overdone. Makeup Artist, Kathy Jeung, did an outstanding job putting P!nk's entire look together for the Red Carpet and her onstage performance.
Here is exactly how Kathy Jeung created this Red Carpet look:
"I applied COVERGIRL Natureluxe Silk Foundation using a foundation brush and moistened blender sponge. I then set with a dusting of COVERGIRL Professional Loose Powder. We used
COVERGIRL Clean Oil Control Pressed Powder for touch ups throughout the night."
How eye products were applied:
For the eyebrows:
"I used a few soft strokes of COVERGIRL Brow & EyeMakers Pencil in Soft Blonde to define, then brushed into place with COVERGIRL Professional Natural Lash Mascara in Clear."
For the eyes:
"I first applied COVERGIRL Eye Enhancers 1-Kit Shadow in Champagne all over the lid and brow bone as a base color. Next, I applied COVERGIRL SmokyShadowBlast in Onyx Smoke, using the dark grey side over the lid and into the crease. Over this I added COVERGIRL Queen Collection Eyeshadow Quads in Lionqueen, using the grey color to intensify and add more dimension."
Along the lower lash line:
"I used COVERGIRL Liquiline Blast Eyeliner in Silver Spark and to add a little more dimension and to further blend; I added COVERGIRL Eye Enhancers 1-Kit Shadow in Golden Sunrise in the area just under the brow bone with a medium fluffy brush. Over curled lashes, I applied two coats of COVERGIRL LashBlast 24HR Mascara in Very Black."
How lip products were applied:
"I prepare the lips with a lip balm when I'm doing skin preparation so it has a chance to absorb into lips. I then lined the lips with COVERGIRL LipPerfection Lipliner in Smoky and applied COVERGIRL OutLast All-Day Lipcolor in Faint Hue."
Although the makeup used for P!nk's Red Carpet entrance was beautiful, my favorite was the way she looked when she came out on stage for her performance.
The change in P!nk's make-up was more dramatic - very fitting of her normal "punk" style. This is probably why this look was my favorite.
Here's how P!nk's performance make-up look was created by Kathy Jeung:
"I added COVERGIRL Eye Enhancers 1-Kit Shadow in Shimmering Onyx along the lower lash line, then lined the inside upper and lower rims of eyes with COVERGIRL Queen Collection Vivid Impact Eyeliner in Midnight. Using clear eyelash glue, I adhered appliqués onto her eyes that I cut out of red patent leather."
How cheek products were applied:
"I first applied COVERGIRL Cheekers Blush in Pretty Peach on the apples of the cheeks and blended outward and up. Then I applied COVERGIRL Cheekers Bronzer in Copper Radiance along the upper outer cheekbone area and also on outer temples (upper sides of face near eyes)."
How lip products were applied:
"I started with applying COVERGIRL LipPerfection Lipliner in Passion to define the lip edges then lightly powdered the edges to set, especially since I was working with a strong color.
After applying COVERGIRL Queen Collection Lip Color in Ruby Slipper, I blotted the lips after the first coat with a tissue, lightly powdered the edges with a powder puff and re-applied the lip color using a lip brush for extra staying power and intensity."
Now it's your turn: Which was your favorite P!nk makeup look? Her Red Carpet "natural" look, or her Performance "dramatic punk" look? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Personally, one of my favorite Covergirls has to be P!nk hands down. (My first favorite is Sofia Vergara, but I think you already knew that!) I always have enjoyed listening to her music so to see her now in all her beauty really is a sight to see.
Last week I shared a photo of P!nk for Wordless-Wednesday - which you can see again here. At the end of that post, I mentioned that I would be sharing a sort of "Throwback - Thursday" post about P!nk's makeup look she adorned at the MTV Music Awards last month.
Here is a close up shot of P!nk walking down the Red Carpet:
She is simply glowing. Her makeup is truly flawless. The makeup has a very natural appearance - P!nk does not look overdone. Makeup Artist, Kathy Jeung, did an outstanding job putting P!nk's entire look together for the Red Carpet and her onstage performance.
Here is exactly how Kathy Jeung created this Red Carpet look:
"I applied COVERGIRL Natureluxe Silk Foundation using a foundation brush and moistened blender sponge. I then set with a dusting of COVERGIRL Professional Loose Powder. We used
COVERGIRL Clean Oil Control Pressed Powder for touch ups throughout the night."
How eye products were applied:
For the eyebrows:
"I used a few soft strokes of COVERGIRL Brow & EyeMakers Pencil in Soft Blonde to define, then brushed into place with COVERGIRL Professional Natural Lash Mascara in Clear."
For the eyes:
"I first applied COVERGIRL Eye Enhancers 1-Kit Shadow in Champagne all over the lid and brow bone as a base color. Next, I applied COVERGIRL SmokyShadowBlast in Onyx Smoke, using the dark grey side over the lid and into the crease. Over this I added COVERGIRL Queen Collection Eyeshadow Quads in Lionqueen, using the grey color to intensify and add more dimension."
Along the lower lash line:
"I used COVERGIRL Liquiline Blast Eyeliner in Silver Spark and to add a little more dimension and to further blend; I added COVERGIRL Eye Enhancers 1-Kit Shadow in Golden Sunrise in the area just under the brow bone with a medium fluffy brush. Over curled lashes, I applied two coats of COVERGIRL LashBlast 24HR Mascara in Very Black."
How lip products were applied:
"I prepare the lips with a lip balm when I'm doing skin preparation so it has a chance to absorb into lips. I then lined the lips with COVERGIRL LipPerfection Lipliner in Smoky and applied COVERGIRL OutLast All-Day Lipcolor in Faint Hue."
Although the makeup used for P!nk's Red Carpet entrance was beautiful, my favorite was the way she looked when she came out on stage for her performance.
The change in P!nk's make-up was more dramatic - very fitting of her normal "punk" style. This is probably why this look was my favorite.
Here's how P!nk's performance make-up look was created by Kathy Jeung:
"I added COVERGIRL Eye Enhancers 1-Kit Shadow in Shimmering Onyx along the lower lash line, then lined the inside upper and lower rims of eyes with COVERGIRL Queen Collection Vivid Impact Eyeliner in Midnight. Using clear eyelash glue, I adhered appliqués onto her eyes that I cut out of red patent leather."
How cheek products were applied:
"I first applied COVERGIRL Cheekers Blush in Pretty Peach on the apples of the cheeks and blended outward and up. Then I applied COVERGIRL Cheekers Bronzer in Copper Radiance along the upper outer cheekbone area and also on outer temples (upper sides of face near eyes)."
How lip products were applied:
"I started with applying COVERGIRL LipPerfection Lipliner in Passion to define the lip edges then lightly powdered the edges to set, especially since I was working with a strong color.
After applying COVERGIRL Queen Collection Lip Color in Ruby Slipper, I blotted the lips after the first coat with a tissue, lightly powdered the edges with a powder puff and re-applied the lip color using a lip brush for extra staying power and intensity."
Now it's your turn: Which was your favorite P!nk makeup look? Her Red Carpet "natural" look, or her Performance "dramatic punk" look? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
#DoveInspired Movement : Ending Low Self-Esteem in Women and Young Girls
It was two days ago when I received the congratulations email advising that I had been accepted to participate in the #DoveInspired Campaign. If you have not heard about this campaign before, allow me to give you just a small insight of what Dove is doing.
"Dove believes beauty should be a source of confidence, not anxiety. Dove is committed to inspiring all women and girls to reach their full potential. The Dove Movement for Self-Esteem opens up a world of opportunities for women to make a difference."
Are you wondering why Dove has taken this initiative? Please continue reading:
"Anxiety about looks begins at an early age and holds girls back (from reaching
their full potential)
According to Dove global research:
o 72 percent of girls (ages 10-17) feel tremendous pressure to be
o Only 11 percent of girls (ages 10-17) are comfortable using the word
beautiful to describe themselves
o When girls feel bad about their looks more than 60 percent globally (age
15 to 17) avoid normal daily activities such as attending school, going to
the doctor, or even giving their opinion.."
Now that Dove has done the research and is currently working on lowering these statistics, do you feel compelled to reach out to a young girl in hopes of helping her feel beautiful with who she is?
I do. Here is why I believe wholeheartedly in this campaign:
As a child, growing up in an extremely strict household, where we were taught not to be seen or heard, I didn't receive any conviction that I was "good enough" for anything. Both of my parents were very old school in the sense that showing their feelings in front of their children was not a characteristic of being a good parent. It was to be believed (by their actions) that the only way to be a good parent was by enforcing extremely strict rules that were to be followed or else.
Growing up in this type of atmosphere not only impaired my decision making as a teenager but also left me with no self esteem. As far as I can remember, I was always comparing myself to other females; judging myself thinking that if I could be like "fulana de tal" or "so-in-so" I could be such a better person - not knowing that I was perfect just the way that I was.
There laid the problem: I didn't know who I was. Not having the opportunity to
speak freely, think freely and interact with others was a huge setback, a hindrance that I did not realize I had until I was a grown woman; many years after leaving my parents household at the age of 16.
Now as a happily married woman and mother to one daughter, I can look back reflecting on my early years, realizing that by living with a mother that did not show compassion really had a negative effect on both my self-esteem and self respect; resulting in suffering from anxiety and panic attacks now as an adult.
By recognizing this, I have made it a daily mission to show my Lil Diva unconditional love, compassion and support. I always make an attempt, no matter how busy I may be, to speak with her about her day, things that happen in school or just engaging in having a "girl-talk". I cannot stress how much I enjoy doing this with her. Hearing her speak freely about her feelings, thoughts and mistakes truly is the highlight of my day.
To give you an idea, just the other day we were sitting in the office just chatting away, when she told me that during recess someone had called her "fat". When I asked what her reaction was, she looked at me square in the face and said, "Mami, I told her that I am beautiful and perfect just the way I am. That I am not "fat", I am healthy and happy being me." She later expressed that she felt sorry for that other girl because it was evident that she was not a happy person.
In having that short conversation with Lil Diva, it broke my heart. Not only was I proud of how my daughter reacted to the situation itself, I was also happy to hear that my efforts of instilling confidence in herself and in her personal beauty had not gone in vain. But this was not the only reason I had this reaction. It was very sad to hear that another female child acted this way showing signs of her own insecurities.
It is an unfortunate situation, however this is certainly something that can be fixed.
How? It's quite simple actually. If you are a mother, aunt, grandmother, sister, cousin, friend - it doesn't matter - take the time to speak to younger females about beauty; stressing the fact that they are beautiful just the way they are. Doing this can certainly make all the difference, not only to the young lady being spoken to, but it was also have a positive lasting effect on you as well.
Now it's your turn: Become inspired to participate in this campaign by "liking" Vive Mejor on Facebook. You can also go to Vivemejor.com to access free tools, such as the "Let's Talk" Toolkit, that will help you to motivate and inspire a girl in your life. Please don't stop there, visit Vivemejor's main website for more detailed information on how you can become an important part of this wonderful campaign.
This post is being compensated and is in collaboration with Dove and Latina Bloggers Connect. The opinions stated here are 100% my own.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Style Made Easy with No nonsense Leggings and Tights
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of No nonsense for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
When it comes to style one of the most important features to any outfit should be: comfort. Wearing an outfit that is both comfortable to wear and stylish allows you to become more confident.
Of all the latest fashion trends, the two pieces that are considered to be "must haves" in my personal wardrobe are leggings and tights. Having several pairs of leggings is recommended. Why?
Leggings are comfortable, easy to style, easy to wear and can be very flattering to your silhouette. The same applies to wearing tights. Wearing a pair of tights immediately adds a pop of color to any outfit. Which brings me to the fun part of this post.
Last week I received a pair of No nonsense Leggins and Tights. I was encourage to take them both for a drive and so I did. Before going into the specifics of these two fashion pieces, I would like to share my two outfits that I put together:

(To see more outfit photos, please check out my #StyleMadeEasy pinterest board)
Starting with the No nonsense Leggings, let me just say that these are extremely comfortable. Once you have them on, it is very easy to forget that your wearing leggings. The No nonsense Leggings are 57% cotton, 38% polyester and 5% spandex. The pair I received were black in size small (which is comparable to pant size 4-6). I want to point out, I am normally petite (a size zero) and I am only 4'9 in height which makes it almost impossible to find leggings that I can wear without the need of tailoring.
The reason I say this is because although the Leggings are size Small they did fit however I did have a little "wiggle" room in the legs; but this was not overly noticeable. The Leggings are also available in M (8-10) L (12-14) XL (16-18) and XXL (20-22). Not only has No nonsense made sure to have a variety of sizes but the leggings also come in a variety of styles, colors and fabrics.
The No nonsense Tights are amazingly easy to put on. They literally glide over the legs and have no bunching at the bottom around the ankles. The pair I received were Deep Burgundy in size Small (4'11-5'6 100-150lbs). These Tights are control top and super opaque; which is perfect for the Fall season being that they are not transparent and the material is on the thicker end. The Panty portion of tights are 78% Nylon and 22% spandex; the Leg is 89% Nylon and only 11% spandex. No nonsense Tights are available in sizes Medium, Large, X-Large and XX-Large.
I have to say that I am extremely excited to have these two items from No nonsense as additions to my Fall wardrobe. Having the Leggings and Tights will certainly make styling outfits much easier. Not to mention that I look forward to purchasing a few more items from the No nonsense collection since they are easily found at most drug stores and retailers here in Columbus, Ohio.
If you enjoyed the outfits I was able to put together, then you will be excited to find out that Jill Martin has become the Be Brand Ambassador and Style Expert for Launch of New Tights & Leggings! Don't know who Jill Martin is? Jill Martin is a fashion expert, an Emmy Award-winning TV personality and co-author of the New York Times bestselling style guide “I Have Nothing to Wear!"
I am very excited to see more of Jill's upcoming series of online vignettes (like the one in the video) and what these will look like, not to mention read her fashion tips and styling advice that she will be sharing on Twitter and Facebook. There is certainly a lot to look forward to from No nonsense and their new Be Brand Ambassador / Style Expert, Jill Martin.
Now it's your turn: To see where you can find No nonsense Leggings & Tights in your neighborhood enter your zipcode here: No nonsense tights and leggings
Make sure to stay in the "know" jusy by liking No nonsense on Facebook and following No nonsense on Twitter This way you can stay one step ahead on all the new fashion and style tips!

When it comes to style one of the most important features to any outfit should be: comfort. Wearing an outfit that is both comfortable to wear and stylish allows you to become more confident.
Of all the latest fashion trends, the two pieces that are considered to be "must haves" in my personal wardrobe are leggings and tights. Having several pairs of leggings is recommended. Why?
Leggings are comfortable, easy to style, easy to wear and can be very flattering to your silhouette. The same applies to wearing tights. Wearing a pair of tights immediately adds a pop of color to any outfit. Which brings me to the fun part of this post.
Last week I received a pair of No nonsense Leggins and Tights. I was encourage to take them both for a drive and so I did. Before going into the specifics of these two fashion pieces, I would like to share my two outfits that I put together:

(To see more outfit photos, please check out my #StyleMadeEasy pinterest board)
Starting with the No nonsense Leggings, let me just say that these are extremely comfortable. Once you have them on, it is very easy to forget that your wearing leggings. The No nonsense Leggings are 57% cotton, 38% polyester and 5% spandex. The pair I received were black in size small (which is comparable to pant size 4-6). I want to point out, I am normally petite (a size zero) and I am only 4'9 in height which makes it almost impossible to find leggings that I can wear without the need of tailoring.
The reason I say this is because although the Leggings are size Small they did fit however I did have a little "wiggle" room in the legs; but this was not overly noticeable. The Leggings are also available in M (8-10) L (12-14) XL (16-18) and XXL (20-22). Not only has No nonsense made sure to have a variety of sizes but the leggings also come in a variety of styles, colors and fabrics.
The No nonsense Tights are amazingly easy to put on. They literally glide over the legs and have no bunching at the bottom around the ankles. The pair I received were Deep Burgundy in size Small (4'11-5'6 100-150lbs). These Tights are control top and super opaque; which is perfect for the Fall season being that they are not transparent and the material is on the thicker end. The Panty portion of tights are 78% Nylon and 22% spandex; the Leg is 89% Nylon and only 11% spandex. No nonsense Tights are available in sizes Medium, Large, X-Large and XX-Large.
I have to say that I am extremely excited to have these two items from No nonsense as additions to my Fall wardrobe. Having the Leggings and Tights will certainly make styling outfits much easier. Not to mention that I look forward to purchasing a few more items from the No nonsense collection since they are easily found at most drug stores and retailers here in Columbus, Ohio.
If you enjoyed the outfits I was able to put together, then you will be excited to find out that Jill Martin has become the Be Brand Ambassador and Style Expert for Launch of New Tights & Leggings! Don't know who Jill Martin is? Jill Martin is a fashion expert, an Emmy Award-winning TV personality and co-author of the New York Times bestselling style guide “I Have Nothing to Wear!"
I am very excited to see more of Jill's upcoming series of online vignettes (like the one in the video) and what these will look like, not to mention read her fashion tips and styling advice that she will be sharing on Twitter and Facebook. There is certainly a lot to look forward to from No nonsense and their new Be Brand Ambassador / Style Expert, Jill Martin.
Now it's your turn: To see where you can find No nonsense Leggings & Tights in your neighborhood enter your zipcode here: No nonsense tights and leggings
Make sure to stay in the "know" jusy by liking No nonsense on Facebook and following No nonsense on Twitter This way you can stay one step ahead on all the new fashion and style tips!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
#Wordless-Wednesday Covergirl #Beauty Photo
These words spoken by the newest member of Covergirl hold a lot of meaning. Every woman is beautiful in her own unique way. The most important thing a woman can do is embrace her beauty - this will allow her to be happy within herself. A happy woman is a SUCCESSFUL woman!
Now it's your turn: Do you agree with P!nk's beauty quote? If so, share your thoughts with us in the comments! Don't forget: share this post with your friends, family and whoever you think may need a little uplifting ;)
PS. Stay tuned for more in depth Covergirl coverage from the MTV awards in our next #Throwback-Thursday post coming next week!
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